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How To Look After Your Hair Extensions

Wash Them

Wash them as you would to your own hair normally, but be gentle! They only need to be washed every couple of weeks as they do not get natural oils daily like your own hair causing grease. Wash them in warm water and rinse them in cool water, finished up with some hydrating conditioner. Once you have rinsed off the conditioner brush them gently to get any tangles out, for the best results use a wide tooth comb.

Dry Them

Once brushed spray them with some heat protection and leave them to a side near the sunlight to let them dry naturally, as by using a hair dryer will cause wear and tear faster. If you are in a rush and have to blow dry the extensions make sure you put some heat protection on and put the hair dryer on a low setting with a towel underneath them.

Store Them

When you are not using your extensions, make sure to keep in away from direct sunlight which can cause them to dry out faster and discolour them. Also keep the clips closed. Spray them with some leave in conditioner as they cannot naturally get hydration, and will dry out.

Style Them

You can style them the same as you would your own hair, just remember to spray some heat protection on. Your extensions will only last as long as you look after them. Only curl or straighten them once the extensions are dry for better results.
